SIM performance
Haha, today had a great day performing at SIM University, one weird thing is that, there was a student la, actually she is one of the dancer, i'm not going to tell you guys what she did to me, but i think only Kevin( BFF ) and kelly knows what she did bah, kevin, keep it as a secret, cos its freaking embarassing..

Okay, then after the performance, went back to school and went straight back home..
Then i fell asleep in the bus, suddenly, over slept wor! directly flew to causeway point, fk... then met with some friend first talk talk then go back home, because very boring lah, forgot to bring my headphone.

Ltr on, went to blk 527 so see whether my bro there anot, soon after i left and went to find Raj at blk 509, but can't find. After that, past by MeiNa hse while going back 527, saw her helping her mother to do the laundry, haha! so funny, her hair like soak soak de, but, did'nt really care lah, reach 527 at about 6pm..

"chicken little" , me and gavin was the catcher for the third game, wah, alrdy so tired for the first 2 games, third game is me, but he is quite fast.. then went home at 6.40pm..

Reached home and had dinner then still need to teach brother mathematics, haha my favorite subject!! but KNS lah, haven't start teaching him, my blood going to overflow out from my mouth already, i rather go teach Jon then teach him, he having that stupid attitude and then my mother behind, keep on NAGGING at both of us, i nvr do anything wrong also nag at me.. Na Bei.. i hate naggings, then in the end, he keep on scolding vulgarities, stupih huh? i haven't scold yet, he scold already, what for sia?

Today got a vvery bad mood.. don't want to post anymore, bye bye!


Tobi is a good boy @8:16 AM;

came back to make this blog come to life..
Hey guy, sorry for not posting these few days, i don't have the mood to post lehh, last friday, the school choir just did a fantastic performance at west mall, for me is fantastic lah, i dunnoe what you guys will say if you were there..

Hmmm, there is this stupid and dumb spammer came into my blog to spam siol, i don't think he is from YISS or WSSS. Somemore say that he like my sis, he must be crazy. Today at about... hmmm, 4.30, i met my sis and she say want me accompany her go see that spammer, and dunnoe do what something to elaine, then i called up Sean (my gan bro) for a back up if anything goes wrong, then me and sis was waiting for him for about 30mins, na bei, that guy bomb me sia, i knew it would happen some how, then went home after that.

When i was about to reach home, that spammer sms me telling me that he was stalking my sis, home!!!!! he was all the while behind her and she don't even how dude!!! how stupid in her mentallity could she be?!?!

Then i asked my friends to track the number down, not to mention the names, (one of them is a girl, "T.L.H.M") then she also cannot do much about it..

The funny thing about this spammer is that he know my sis, AND SHE KNOW THAT ME AND ELAINE WAS ONCE TOGETHER!!! Omg.. i seriously went helpless..

Then about 7.45pm sis called spammer was outside her house waiting for her, actually i can feel her freak out feeling when i reached the house. Then finally, the spammer tell my sis that he want to meet my sis up at 525, then i saw Daniel, Karuno, Alden, Rainier and my 2 bros, told them to keep quiet and stay and see, i not sure whether the spammer is reading my post now anot, but, hope he don't lah.. In the end, he still bomb my sis and me, as you guys know, i hate getting bombed, i try all ways to track him down..

Alright guys, see you then byess..

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Tobi is a good boy @6:25 AM;

I'm very frustrated today.. She justs goes around without getting the facts rigt and accusing me that i like a girl.. WTF? can you believe this? All this are jus coincidence, its not true.. saw that ring that i've wore today? hahs, if you don't know go ask my bro, he'll explain everything clearly to you IN YOUR BLOODY FACE!!!

Don't really feel like posting these few days, sorry guys..


Tobi is a good boy @4:38 AM;

Hah, yesterday did'nt post.. cos i was busy the whole day helpin my father out with his work, but mostly i was just playing lah, did'nt really help much! haha!

Then when come back from work, when down to find Xavier they all, not really very fun la, mostly are just friends cycling. Sian..

Lets talk about today ba... Today went to darren's house to do physics project, you think we really do? WTF?! Nat brought a stack of those "good" schools science paper and want me, kelvin and darren to take out the science questions and give him then he go put it into the powerpoint for the damn project, stupid huh? but in the end he went back home do himself.

Then about 1.30pm we went to westmall watch "G-Force", yupps, the movie was good but not raelly exciting, its just mostly rodents helping humans to do missions, and the stupid mission is to stop the evil to do bad stuffs, the movie isn't great la.. When home straight after the movie with nat..

After that went down to cycle again, i do that almost everyday of my life!! haha, byes^^ i'll post again then...


Tobi is a good boy @7:25 AM;

after dinner..
Came back after tuition, met Alden, Johnson, SiewTian, Jin Wen, Karuno, Daniel, Eugene Lim, and many many more at 527.. Today damn boring, only watch them play badminton.. Then I saw Xavier..

Fetch Xavier to greenridge go buy his stupid "Nutella" chocolate spread.. Then i send him home anyway same route, then he dunnoe why invite me to his house, his house is full of "POWER RANGERS" robot and tons of power rangers action figures.. OMG, Still put in glass cabinet somemore..

Then after that he came to my house at hmmm... about 8pm bah.. Then he sit beside watch me eat.. haha! stupid lehh, keep on making me laugh, i ate that stupid dinner for about 30 mins!!!

Bathed, then Xavier say he want to play maple. While i see him trying to type in his freaking acc, HE FORGOT HIS PASSWORD!!! AND EVEN USER IF I'M NOT WRONG.. hahs..

Then Tricia say she want to find Xavier and me all of a sudden, what a crazy girl huh? Stupid.. then she met us at my lift there, then i fetch Xavier home tryin to ignore her, haha! guess what? She was running after my bike shouting along away, haha! the moment i think of it, i want to laugh again!! hahs! just can't stop laughing about it untill got tears,T.T sent him already directly i choing into the lift then she stuck outside.. after that i come down again, saw her starring at me outside.. then she say what want me pei her go home?!?! then giving stupid and ridiculous excuses, then i was riding my bike and she follow beside me, then i met Kishor along the way, then pangseh her lor, when straight home directly..

Done posting le! byes^^


Tobi is a good boy @6:43 AM;

Another boring day.......
Hellos!! Just another day for me.. woke up at around 9 in the morning, then first thing i did is to check my phone.. wondering why did'nt it rung in the morning which i set the f**king alarm...=.=.. Ohh.. it rung but i just did'nt wake upp... Hahs, can see that i'm a heavy sleeper yeah? Then went to do my tuition homework cos later got tuition.. rushing everything up. Then Elaine suddenly sms me asking i woke up already anot, OBVIOUSLY I WAKE UP LE LA!!! So late already lor..(for me la, haha!) Nvm... then ignored a few of the SMSes cos not free and they are just plain boring..

Going to take a shower now.. After dinner then I post again.. Byes ,_,


Tobi is a good boy @10:34 PM;

Today came back from CCA practice, then go eat with Sean,Gordon,ShinChen, very fun.. we had ice fight and guess what? Gordon lost.. He was shot all over at the face. hahax! then went home after that..

In the bus, Sean was like turning back and mumbling singing at me, but in front of me was a old man which look like a auntie, then we saw shahir comin into the bus. It was quite weird when he was wearing school shirt and did'nt come for the CCA, hahs! But I don't really care la.. I only care about what activity am I going to do when I reach home=)

At about 5pm, went down with brothers to find "friends", yups, then saw Wei Yong and Wei Jing, but did'nt saw Wei Peng, then i ask where he was. Wei Yong said that my second bro -brought him to 7-11 to buy some drinks, what the hell? When the minute i saw my bro he was cycling towards me and kao bei Wei Peng, that Wei Peng which is only 5 years old, cried at there and landing him into troubles, haha! Serves him right, who tell him to bring him go there..

After that went 527 to play, saw my school de Gabriel with his friends playing soccer, he told Karuno and friends to go other side and play, but none of us heard. In the end, Karuno got rammed by the ball at the right side of the chest and keep on insisting that they did it purposely.. Blah Blah Blah... After that is just plain playing, went home after that then post..

Done posting le! Byes, i'll post tomorrow de!!^^
Tobi is a good boy @7:17 AM;

Loh zhenxin
Currently studying in Yusof.I
Birthday falls on 01.01.1996=)



Da past

I love my wife for those who know who she just keep quiet:) Hates my mother nagging, but hates her more then ever..


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